Monday, September 29, 2008

The economy

The newest crisis to come along is the economy. There is no doubt that there is plenty of blame to go around, and as usual, politicians are playing at their political game. Like two kids caught over a bottle of spilled milk, both of the political party's are blaming each other. "Look, it's clearly Bush and the Republicans fault! They've had the White House for 8 years now!" cry the Dems. "But you've had a majority for at least two years!" cry the Republicans. In truth, there is plenty of blame to go around. There was plenty of warning that this was coming down the line, and neither party was properly prepared for it.

I feel that the crisis can be blamed squarely on an ideal. The idea that the government is responsible for the economy, when in fact the government is charged with protecting the economy. It's a minor difference between the two, but big enough that disregarding the latter in favor of the former has taken us to where we are today. The government is not the fount of our economy, it is the protector of it. The interference of the government is taking our idea of capitalism, the cornerstone of our economy, and replacing it with socialism (an ideal near and dear to every liberal heart). A perfect example is Obama's economic plan, as espoused by him in the debate. His idea is to raise taxes on everyone/everything that makes more then 250,000 a year, and lower taxes on the rest of the population. The rich have more money, so it's more fair for us to tax them then those who have less. A noble idea, to be sure. Or at least on the surface. It shows stunning ignorance by someone who claims to be completely prepared to lead this nation. Maybe not ignorance though ... maybe just a belief that is far left of my own. You are wrong, sir. Robbing from the rich to give to the poor sounds noble, but the reality of it is that the greater cost being absorber by the rich is ALWAYS passed down to the little guy. Sure, it looks nice on TV, but upon closer inspection, one realizes that it's a bad apple.

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