Thursday, October 2, 2008


Conservatism: A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. (According to

Conservatism: Group of people comprised mostly of old boy networks, who typically smoke cigars and complain about liberals and their media. Usually an older male, chauvinist, who is generally on the pay roll of some big oil company. (According to the liberal media).

And now for something completely different (Thank you Monty Python).

About 25 years ago, a woman decided, on the advice of her doctor, to not abort her unborn, unwanted child. As the woman had had 4 abortions before, the doctor deemed it would be too hard for her body to take the strain. The woman, being in no place to keep the baby, decided to give up said child. And here i sit today. Ever since I learned that fact, I have been Pro-Life. And I don't think anyone can blame me.

Aside from my obviously biased view, let's think about this logically. According to the law, a person who kills a pregnant woman is charged with killing two people. Also according to the law, a doctor is legally allowed to kill a child, as long as it is within a certain time frame of still being within the mother. Common sense would tell us that this is a double standard. So then change one of them? Well, it would clearly lessen the importance of a child's life to take away the double death charge on someone killing a mother. Therefore, we are left with one decision. Take away the mother and her doctors right to kill the child.

Another interesting fact. Abortion was left up to each individual state until Roe v. Wade. RVW for short. RVW changed that. It took away the rights of the states, and gave those powers to the federal government. Now, if this were for a good reason, I wouldn't complain. But the Judges who were for the decision said, in essence, that the right of privacy, found in the Fourteenth Amendmant, over-ruled the states ability to self govern. That somehow, the right of personal liberty was greater then the right of the states. And I don't disagree with that assertion, EXCEPT when it comes to the right to life. The judges also claimed that the right to life, liberty, and happiness does not apply to an unborn child. Again, I disagree. There can be nothing more sacred then the right to life, especially when it pertains to those who yet born.

Another question that is brought up every time that I talk about my view on abortion is my view of contraceptives and the day after pill. Usually it's brought up by some fired up liberal who is determined to show how I live by a double standard, and how obviously I'm a hypocrit. Contraceptives, yes! Everytime that you don't want a child, use contraceptives. Better yet, don't have sex with everything that walks around. I know, I know, I'm crimping your style. The day after pill is another story. I don't recognize the day after pill as being abortion, and I know that many on my side would disagree. It's a super slippery slope, and I would like to agree, just for the purity of the ideal, that it is abortion, and it is killing a child. The aforementioned slope is this; where does the life become viable? At what point is that mass of tissue a child? As early as 6 weeks, the child is obviously, when viewed, a human being. So it's pretty safe to say that it is one. However, at one day in, it's not quite so cut and dried. Also, when you are taking the day after pill, you don't know if you are pregnant. The intent is not to kill a child, it's to prevent a pregnancy. Shit happens, whether it be a broken condom, or something else happenstance.

(I'm aware that I might, in some people's eyes, distanced myself from the Pro-Life crowd. I care not. It's not about belonging to some crowd ... it's about what I believe to be true and moral.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Urg says:

I agree morning after pill isnt abortion its for preventing conception.

I also agree on almost every point you put up there being somewhat of a conservative i dont think you are distancing yourself youre talking common sense.