I was told, flat out, the other day, that it was inconceivable to someone that one could be Christian and be Republican. I'm assuming the argument was that because Christ cared for the little people, and Democrats, God bless 'em, care for the people. I disagree, but I see the point. In my opinion though, that tends to be a rather shallow point. Yes, it is, on the surface, GOOD for everyone to have health care. Yes, it is GOOD for everyone to have a home. And at first, you get a nice happy feeling at the GOOD you are doing. But in the long term, it's not for the greater good.
I was asked why I was a Republican, and to be honest, at first growing up I assumed that Christian = Republican. But I've stayed Republican throughout my teens and into my 20s because I feel that Republicans are more far-sighted. Of course, you can point at bad apples and proclaim the terribleness of the Republicans. You can take the MTV inspired view of most of my generation, and point to the "evils" of the gas company, and claim Republicans are at fault. But it's just not true, and you can't paint an entire group of people based on the actions of a few.
I'm a Republican. I stand for spending less money, taxing less, and a less involved central government. I feel that the Constitution's job is to LIMIT government. That's why it was written. Fresh off a victory against the strong government of Britain, the writers realized that the best place for government is to be supporting people be strong in themselves, not to lift people up. It is not the place of the government to be extremely active in people's life. I also think that the best tax is a flat tax, but realize that that will never happen.
There is a good reason that I'm voting for McCain. I don't like Obama's foreign policy. I don't believe that McCain is the best candidate out there, just the better of the two currently available, especially on this topic. Obama, as stated in the presidential debates, stated that he would sit down at the table, unconditionally, with any world leader. This shows a basic misunderstanding of how world politics work. His apparent view of appeasement diplomacy has me very uneasy. Iran has said that a world without America is not only possible, but desirable. This scares me, and it should you. Appeasement policies will not work with Iran ... they desire our destruction. You cannot negotiate with a view that requires you to repudiate both your ally's and your belief's.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
"We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive."
Both from C. S. Lewis
These quote, which I ran across the other day, represents how I feel about socialism. The government's job is not to take care of you. You take care of you. A government health care takes away the right of you to chose. It gives government contorl over health issues, something it has no business controlling. "Spreading the wealth" just means that instead of being rewarded for hard work and success, you will be punished. It is not more patriotic to pay more taxes; in my opinion, it is less. It is the right of every American to be taxed ... but taxed fairly. Fairly seems to have been redefined recently to mean fair to all. How is that possible? Is it fair for someone to pay more % just because they make more?
I'll end this intellectual throwup (again) I swear. I'll leave you with one(ok a few) last thought(s). I'm a Republican because I'm also a minor historian. History can teach us many things, but it has taught me that we need to have a leader who is capable of taking quick and decisive action. Barack Obama is not that man. We don't know what he will do simply because he hasn't the experience necessary to make smart, immediate decisions. Our country's safety should be our top concern. Why would we trust an unproven man in the most important job in the world? I take America more seriously then that, and so should you. It's merely common sense. If you have one person, experienced and with a proven track record in fighting terror, and the other person has no executive experience ... who do you chose? Friends, this is not a tough decision.
Please, please, please ... vote McCain. I fear for the consequences for both ourself and Israel should Obama get elected.
I'm 25 and a proud Republican ... and I often feel like the one-eyed man in a valley of blind men.
You scare the shit out of me.
Care to elaborate? You haven't put forward any points, nor have you decided to enlighten me about why I'm wrong. What about what I'm saying is so wrong?
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